Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Constraint free life!

A constraint free life is a great hope and desire of any individual which is indeed a great blessing in life. It is a great wish on the list for every individual to have a constraint free life. I wish every person had a constraint free life and fulfills all the dreams and aspirations that one has in life with the best of resources and mechanisms available at one's disposal.
It is important that one makes the best things possible in life for oneself and the others, infact most of our efforts should go out in the service of humanity and make this planet a more peaceful and loving place to live in.
The five things I would take up if my life had been constraint free and without all the hassles are :
1 Providing adequate means od healthcare facilities in the villages and remote areas of India: There are lots of places in Indian villages that lack the basic healthcare facilities. The females do not have proper child delivery hospitals and healthcare facilities. The children also lack the healthcare facilities. Providing means of better basic health facilities is a prime agenda on my list had my life been constraint free. Also, if possible shall make arrangements of free availability of medicines for the needy and poor people.
2 Educating the poor masses and making several awareness programmes and campaigns: The spread of education to all the areas and corners of the country is a desire that I hold on my list. I wish I would be able to fulfill my this dream. I wish that every citizen of this country is educated and provide them the means of basic learning facilities. This would prevent the poor people from being cheated. 
3 Taking up initiative for providing food and other basic amenities for the poor people: There are millions of people in India who do not get adequate meals even twice a day. I wish I could make this desire of every individual to be fulfilled in my country that would make every sleep comfortable at the end of the day with proper food available for them. Taking care of the nutritional fulfillment of the children of India would be a great desire being fulfilled of mine on my list.
4 Making arrangements for the old age people: It is a great pain to see the homeless and aged people. These people are helpless to look for any paid job for their needs fulfillment. It is important that these people are well served and taken care. They should be given the best of facilities in their old age.
5 Taking up initiative for treatment of street animals: It is a menace to see the street animals suffering from diseases or any accident, lying on the roads unserved. It is important to serve life of the animals. They are the inhabitants of life on earth as we human beings. It is our duty to serve them with love and humanity. I shall take up initiatives to serve the road-side and street animals such as cows and dogs, that lay untreated. Also, making veterinary hospitals for them which could be easily accessible.
I wish to fulfill these aspirations and dreams which would make the life seem fulfilled and satisfied. It is important to attain satisfaction and make our lives seem happier.
To make life contraint free, CLICK HERE - BefikarUmarBhar

This entry has been written as a part of HH on indiblogger.

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