Friday, 28 November 2014

The Power of Voice to Clean India

Stating that the #AbMontuBolega campaign and other campaigns like that of Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, Swacch India amongst others cannot be done by only the government or the ministers, the work is to be done by all Indians. These campaigns are for 1.2 billion people and the work shall be repeated 1.2 billion times and then there would be neat and clean India. This work is not really about a 'prachar abhiyan'. These would in-turn serve big efforts in the coming times where we all Indians need to stand united and tall to work for these missions collectively and take the baton ahead for eradicating any menace that lays and the loop- holes from the system.
There are more than a couple of  firms who conduct studies and tours of Dharavi slums in Mumbai area, and most of them are conducted for international tourists, which came into light after the much acclaimed movie "Slumdog Millionaire".
The major sociological issue that is before all of Indians is the deep and grave matter of staying silent to the problems like that of dirt, garbage, hygiene, health, cleanliness, and the manner in which is mishandled largely without proper means of management and handling of them.
A lot of rave reviews of these can be found online, which talk  at length and breadth about the culture, cuisine, industry and hospitality of Dharavi, and trying not to mention the unhygienic conditions people live in. This is definitely not something to be proud of. A lot of concrete and humongous steps in the cleaning arena of our country are long due.
Swachh Bharat Mission initiated by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched on 2nd October, is an opportunity for all of us to contribute in the mission of cleanliness. It is important that we the citizens of this country realize the responsibilities and take proper initiatives by creating mass awareness and taking up challenges to do the best for the society in the best possible manner.

Voicing up opinion in this matter becomes so essential as someone has to take the lead, command and initiate the work and stand as a torch-bearer to show the light to others and set missions, agendas, schedules and other important things to be kept in view.
If India is to present a wider and neater picture, she has to chart a different course altogether than what the West followed or follows, as the conditions here are quite different from the earlier scenes. India will have to go around by setting different examples by pursuing the aims and goals of progress and development with minimal or no growth initially into its prime agenda.
A small initiative by an individual could turn into a mass movement and turn the state of affairs upside-down. The main point that is said in the above line is that it is important that we start voicing our opinions for the best ad make the little changes that could be possible from one's side and that shall result in a mass change and shall put things in order.
This is Kyuki Bin Bole Ab Nahi Chalega #AbMontuBolega. To know more about this campaign click AbMontuBolegaand also connect with STREPSILS on Facebookand Twitter.
To listen to Montu speak up for the campaign watch the youtube video by clicking on –AbMontuBolega.
The campaign #AbMontuBolega is played by Saqib where the protagonist is Montu who goes digital at heart and resides primarily on an exclusive online platform In the video on the site, Montu is a boy next door who has hesitations to express himself at several points where he needed to voice his opinion in front of his family, friends and colleagues. This campaign captures the individual attention to make people realize of voicing out their opinion and issues which they think are important without any inhibitions and hesitations because prevention is always better than cure. Montu takes up Strepsils that provides him with a healthy voice and fuses confidence in him to speak on the issues that were important and would create a difference.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

FAT CAT gaming - Luckier with Lucky 6 ?

India, one of the most emerging world economies where the investors are finding huge markets for their products and a sure shot winning hit. India, these days, is not new to the world of gaming, for instance the video games that lured a huge population, contrary to the general perception. It started with those little vintage coin-operated video game parlours that we as kids enjoyed playing Street Fighter and Metal Slug on, during a trip to a hill-station or during the vacations visits to the grandparents' home. Today video games are far more accessible, even on devices such as mobile phones. India houses a ‘mature’, yet limited, or should we say, bottle-necked, video games industry. The Rs 1500 crore (as of 2013) industry reached the landmark in a not-so-generic way, but one that is characteristic to the consumer habits.

SHM Entertainment Ltd (“SHM”), has designed an online gaming platform whose applications (“Apps”) are marketed under the brand, “Fat Cat”. Currently the platform allows players to play two unique games on their smartphones and tablets.

Without any matter of doubt, social networks and smartphones have disrupted markets the world over, but it's important to remember that India didn't really have a market to begin with. For developers, these platforms are all raw potential and boundless promise, but actually making the economics work for consumers is proving to be a challenge.

This is where the Indian game developers with their world-class quality and game development experience step in. India has excellent programmers and the rapid growth of the market is adding to the allure.

The best segments of the game which would capture huge markets soon are:

1. Quiz-game: It is good to enhance knowledge domain at any point of time and take it forward to higher levels. The game has a good feature of playing quizzes.

2. User-Adaptability: access to the game on smartphone makes it so comfortable to play anytime around, even it means to refresh oneself from the hectic schedule in short breaks time

3. Winning cash and other prizes: The game looks promising in the manner of earning good value by selecting the shares of the 6 companies which we wish to from the list.

4. Sharing is caring: The game has a very useful feature of sharing it with friends and making them earn money in a friendly manner. And, the best is when they earn, you earn too.

5. Challenging friends: involving others to play this game is not at all a difficult task, as for instance found a lot of blogger friends there on the game. We can play up there and challenge in the spirit of game.

6. Brands on the game: There are lots of brands on the game, we cn go of the ones we know or for the ones we know the shares would reap good benefits and take up high in the near future.

7. Easy Access: The game has good features of being accessed even by a novice who has negligible knowledge of gaming by simply downloading and signing up with the game.

There are facts and figures that say that India is the next frontier for many gaming companies. India as well as Brazil. Brazil has had and shown a lot of interest and done very well in the last few years in the gaming sector. India is untapped and has in store a huge potential waiting to be unleashed at a large mass level.

Even though the emerging market for mobile gaming is experiencing teething problems with regards to generating revenue, it is still serving a valuable purpose in the country. Mobile gaming has brought gaming culture into India.

To know more about the FAT CAT game, click here : FAT CAT.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

#BringBackTheTouch your own ways


It is an old adage that when man and woman are able to respect and accept the differences of each other, then there are wonderful chances of love to flourish and blossom. How beautiful this sounds and gives an essence to the existence of that unseen lovely feeling.

Without falling prey to the weird circumstances, there must already be the making up of anything that goes wrong or in better words for anything not going right. Does this lend some comfort to the ones who are not fitting finely with their partner, to fix the issues ?

Well, the best is to keep the ego and other issues aside and think of the amazing ways where one can go back and make the things right. There are those weak moments where things do not happen according to one's own wish and might go wrong on the path somewhere. But, there is always making back and settings the things right back into the relationship.

The best moments that bring the craziness near to anyone in the relationship vary depending upon the chemistry and liking of the couple, like a gentle tickle in the funny bone could set back the things right, or holding tightly with a warm hug and kiss would do wonders without saying a word to each other. A hand-in-hand walk along the roadside or in the park is another way to doing the talking that strengthens the relationship. Into these small gestures lay the oceans of contentment, merriness and blitheness. 

Below is a video that is one of the example of the making the simplest things happen to fix up for the lost spark and set the ignition to #BringBackTheTouch. 

A simple and gentle touch is one such special gesture that set the things right forth in the frame and brings back the beautiful memories and makes one to forget the wrongs that might have happened. These touchy moments make the life seem wonderful with the bouncing back of the best times.

In the course of life that is full of hush-bush, we often tend to have an inclination towards ignoring the simplest and the easiest things in life, which often makes individuals to lose the spark of the relationship. More often than not, it signifies the lack of passion, the love persists. One must not be an ignorant to the minute reasons which could be the storehouse of the huge bundles of happiness and excitement.

For information about the Parachute Advansed Body Lotion, click here.

This is written as part of the entry for Indi-Happy-Hours on INDIBLOGGER.

The Health's Affair: #ToiletForBabli

India is a vast country that is spread across 3000 miles throughout the length and breadth of the country, with a huge populations residing in the villages and in the rural areas. There are lots of issues that have arisen as result of the lack of improper education and improper sanitation. These are primarily due to the lack of awareness and poor hygienic facilities being assured to the public.

India, in the 21st century, according to the WHO and UNICEF standards, still has nearly 597 million people defecating in the open grounds. This problem has come to the main front mainly due to several reasons for the lack of sanitation facilities which could be improper funding from the governmental agencies, poor implementation of the facilities, lack of awareness among people, poor education of the individuals.

Lack of public toilets and the lack of hygiene amenities for the people are the reasons for the deteriorating and feeble health of large number of villagers and ultimately results in the rise in the figures of diseases and ailments such as those of dysentery, cholera, typhoid, malaria which are as a result of dirty areas and also which serve as a ground for poor disposal facilities and breeding place for mosquitoes.

Women in this country are the worst affected with the poor sanitation facilities. The conditions are further grave and serious in the villages where the girls are still not given much importance, and thus they lack in learning even the important lessons of life. To overcome this issue, several women awareness raising camps for women and children must be held from time-to-time so that they start taking care of themselves and their health in the possible ways. 

Since children and women are the dominating ones facing these health and hygiene problems, they must be taught of the better sanitation programmes and how they can be part of the governmental and non-governmental agencies, by forcing them to do work for the development of defecation areas and other related fields.

Improper health conditions largely hamper the condition of life and leads to falling standards of life, which would be store house of pain, suffering and misery. To remove and eradicate this social menace, there must be solid and concrete steps to solve the problem at the grass root level by constructing and providing the better sanitation facilities and also, by educating masses about the importance of maintaining health and hygiene, which would make a healthy family.

Organisations working in the construction related field must take up strong initiatives in order to create better sanitation grounds like DOMEX. Also, donations can be secured from several other sources by taking a step and involving people in the urban areas to work for the development of efficient mechanisms. This would ensure a better India, which would be healthier and happier.

You can bring about the change in the lives of millions of kids, thereby showing your support for the Domex Initiative. All you need to do is “click” on the “Contribute Tab” on and Domex will contribute Rs.5 on your behalf to eradicate open defecation, thereby helping kids like Babli live a dignified life.

For more details about the product, click here :

Healthy child in the making of a healthy home!

Why a human usually forgets that the children are something today and instead makes plans for the future and keeps lurking into the future with a torch that does not put light effectively on the future ?

John F Kennedy once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” It is essential that we cultivate the good habits and ettiquettes into the children so that it becomes a part of their regular routine and follow it up without any compulsion and instead learns to enjoy the little things of life that would keep one healthy and ultimately wealthy and wise.

Children must be effectively told the importance of a healthy body that they owe for that is where they have to spend their life. Body is one such thing we cannot borrow from anyone else and as we realize it, kids in the family must be trained how to keep it fit and fine.

Children should be encouraged to take up active part in the wellness activities and several other outdoor games. These not only enhance the metabolism, but in-turn aids in building up strong immunity and mental development. Health is an important issue which should be put into mind, body and soul of the kids.

Good health is a perfect state of harmony and thus its knowledge must be transferred to kids. This would be the best gift that could be given to the younger generation that would do wonders in all spheres of life. Parents must ensure and take up the responsibilities to teach and impart the health related lessons in an efficient manner, so that they learn to take care of themselves.

Diet and nutrition must be properly taken care of so that a balanced diet goes inside the machinery of the body and functions efficiently. Food is the fuel in the body, and it must be good quality to ensure smooth running of the machines inside the body. Good fooding ettiquette need to be installed in the children so that they take care of the fuel they'd put inside them at any point of time and analyse the food that they wold be going to consume. 

Dabur Chwayanprash is one such product that has lots of essential ingredients like those of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, etc that are essentially required by the body that purifies the inner system and makes the body feel fresh. It is good to be in a habit of certain such things as these when incorporated into life, make life healthier and happier.

It would be an immense blessing to pass on the legacy of being a healthy children, as this would foster in them the strength of fighting against all the odds and taking up challenges in life with a grace on their face and emerging victoriously in the battleground of their life.

For more details about the product, click here: Dabur Chwayanprash.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Views on the cart #20

Kindness in the attitude is a great asset and virtue.

Views on the cart #19

Growth of an individual should never be hindered, for the nation shall cease to develop.

Views on the cart #18

Share your happiness, joy and success. They must be multiplied, and when you share you multiply these manifold. Thus, share!

Views on the cart #17

Just at the doorstep of your success, wonder for a moment, how many people would be happy for the success you are going to step into. A lot is said in these words. There would be many who would not be in the list, and shall subsequently make a way into your glorious moments, they are the actual ones to be thrown out of the life.

Views on the cart #16

One needs to be a dreamer to be a visionary, for the dreams are what motivate an individual towards the visions, they might be directionless initially, but definitely find a direction towards the realization and actualization of the thoughts.

Views on the cart #15

Skills and opportunity are what dwell near every individual, sense and understanding are what one develops in the course of life.

Views on the cart #14

An individual should largely have the habit of looking at the sunnier side of everything, not ignoring the other side completely though; for that fosters a sense of optimism and makes life and things simpler, better and easier.

Views on the cart #13

To know deeper about one's own self, one must look into one's own fears, they shall portray lots of images. Fears are not something one must be scared of, they must often be used to identify for a better pathway of oneself for a journey that would be worth. 

Views on the cart #12

Savor the good and great, they have plenty to deliver and add the beautiful meanings to the life's journey that you are onto. 

Views on the cart #11

In your happiness lies the happiness of the people who surround you. Thus, find ways numerous ways to keep yourself happy and spread happiness.

Views on the cart #10

A good co-ordination of our mind, body and soul does wonders to human health, wealth, and happiness. We must really lay our efforts to sync them for a better livelihood.

Views on the cart #9

A person must not be sad about the endings, for there shall be the new beginnings and something else is waiting to be poured in to start and find its way, which must be welcomed and relinquished. 

Views on the cart #8

There is something called "inner senses" that we as human beings must be well aware of along with the biological senses that we possess, for the inner senses deliver out our life, biological senses are the assistants to those inner senses.

Views on the cart #7

In the journey of life, the battles that we choose for ourselves to fight, must be sought out carefully, for they would be the much possible reasons of the joys and happiness, if we fight them with all the courage and emerge out with victory, because not all battles are meant to be won, they must be selectively opted.

Views on the cart #6

We as human beings have wings attached to us which have different aspects association, such as those of positivity and negativity, weakness and strength, hatred and love. We must carry them carefully and possessively, as not to get ourselves surrendered to the ills and negations that come in the pathway, for they would be the creators of the journey of the life.

Views on the cart #5

Woman is a hugely symbolic of the vigor, power and strength that make her face the hardships of her life with ease. The strength lies in the fact of the power of her own which is not to allow any negation to dictate the actions in the journey of accomplishments and success while cremating the hardships that come across, if any.

Views on the cart #4

Forgiveness is a rare art. Not everyone is blessed with the art of forgiving, and the one's who possess it, know their strength and power, which often renders them peace and tranquility in life.

Views on the cart #3

There is something so profound and intense that is so strongly bonded and associated with the happiness of the others. By no means one can keep oneself away from one's own happy thought process when one meets a happy individual. It is essential for a human to really have those happy acquaintances in life.

Views on the cart #2

With pain comes so much of learning, like those of healing, relaxation, compassion, freedom, strength and lastly peace. Thus, pain is that beauty that enhances the living of the beings in so many known, unknown and hidden ways.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Views on the cart #1

Since it is all in the mind of what happens to an individual, we must be careful with the words that we utter and also be cautious about our actions.